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  No. 464

What is the difference between Lizard and a Wizard?

  No. 465

Warm blood

  No. 466

Lizchan poster = Psycho?

  No. 467


  No. 468


  No. 469


  No. 471


  No. 472

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Sorry about that

  No. 473

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lizards are more cool and easy-going

  No. 475

Lizards = 18 - 29 year old apprentice wizards

Wizards = 30 year old omnipotent magicians

Lizards are apprentice wizards, slowly learning to give up desires of the flesh for more rewarding and worthwhile pursuits.

  No. 476


Lizards are like wizards, only cold-blooded. It's as simple as that.

  No. 480

You've got the canon all wrong.

Hatchlings = 18 - 29 year old apprentice reptiles
Lizards = 30 year old omnipotent reptiles

Wizards are just guys who post on an opposing imageboard.

  No. 481

should it be Hatchlings or just Lizlings?

I know for sure that "Chad" should be "Rex". Are word filters even active here? might as well make "Wizard" automatically filter to "Lizard", "Wizkid" to "Lizling" or "Hatchling" and of course "Chad" to "Rex"

mite b gud

  No. 482

>should it be Hatchlings or just Lizlings?

hatchlings, definitely

>"Wizard" automatically filter to "Lizard"

good thinking

  No. 483

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Baby lizards
18 - 29

  No. 484

that lizard is in for a surprise when he wakes!

  No. 485

I'm not comfortable with 18 year olds calling themselves lizards. You should only gain full lizard status when you reach the age of 30.

  No. 486

I mean In my eyes being a lizard is just being a virgin male - If you plan to lose it ever then obviously calling yourself one is mockery, but I'm 19 and voluntarily celibate and consider myself one. Just depends on their maturity I guess.

  No. 487

I personally think if you are 18-25 you are considered a lizkid. Everything above is a Lizard and 30+ is lizlord.
19? You are so young what are you doing with your life?

  No. 488

Eh I guess you can call me what ever you like, I'll be one one day anyways. wasting it on image boards and video games. My childhood friends abandoned me, every woman I meet puts a nasty taste in my mouth. I'm probably online 10+ hours a day while not working out or helping family.
The only place I enjoy is online, and I'm stuck in a broke state with only minimum wage job opportunities.

  No. 489

>I'm 19 and voluntarily celibate

You're more likely turn out to be a late bloomer.

Young people should really shut up and wait to see if they can walk the talk.

  No. 490

What do you mean late bloomer?
I'm never going to shack up with any woman.
Well I guess I could quit posting but half the activity would be gone, You sound pretty high almighty though over just a 10~ years difference though. why assume every person is so weak willed?

  No. 491

I repeat what I said:
>Young people should really shut up and wait to see if they can walk the talk.

  No. 492

Well I'm not going too, and am going to ignore your age complex.

  No. 493

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Lizards are wizards that are not going to get bent out of shape about things too much, instead preferring to bask the sun and whatnot.

  No. 494

>Young people should really shut up and wait to see if they can walk the talk.

this. honorary titles should only be giving to those who have done their time

  No. 496

This just confirms my suspicion that you're just an outsider that's trying to fit in because it looks cool and you want to belong but of course you don't even know what it means or takes what you're claiming to be since you're too young.

  No. 497

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this tbh fam

  No. 498

How would you classify an outsider?
I realize W/Lizards are 30 y/o + virgins, I plan to die one. and the thread was just fun discussion until some grumpy old faggot decides people younger than him should shut up because his ass is royal since it's aged longer.
I respect my elders, not the ones with age complex fueled egos though.
>but of course you don't even know what it means or takes
Is this the military or a board for male virgins who've ceased their desire for 3D woman?

  No. 499

You're too young to understand.

I give it 4-5 years before you realize and you turn away from this world like every late bloomer.

  No. 500

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>lizards are too lazy for purity spiraling

makes sense

  No. 502

If you can't explain what I "Don't" understand than I refuse to believe you're not just retarded.
And seeing as your every post is just a sentence or two gargling on your own balls at how the "kidz just don't get it" I'd rather not be a lizard if this is how they act.

  No. 503

>I "Don't" understand

Young people can't have enough life experience to test themself as wizards. If you don't understand this you're either trolling or plain retarded.

  No. 504

>Young people can't have enough life experience to test themselves as wizards
Wow some oldfags opinion that's been set in stone has really convinced me!
Seeing that the only requirement is staying a virgin, my hatred for every woman I meet and belief in antinatalism and efilism is sure to change once I have that grand normalfag awakening.
I've also stated I was one In MY eyes, stop pretending like I proclaimed myself top lizlord.
I'm done responding now, Lizchan is too young to ruin it with age superiority complexes and toxicness.

  No. 505

>my hatred for every woman

Red flag of incel bitterness.

A wizard doesn't even acknowledge females, he's completely oblivious to them.

You still have a long way to even be called apprentice but only time will tell us.

  No. 506

>Red flag of incel bitterness.
I've been asked to have sex multiple times, I have refused. Bitterness is true because any actual intelligent being would realize woman's veil of innocence is false. Every woman I have met, cheats, manipulates, seeks public attention, spends their betas cash without earning it, gives birth to men they get to blame everything on etc etc.
>A wizard doesn't even acknowledge females, he's completely oblivious to them.
He may be retarded then, to not realize or acknowledge what has been seen by him throughout his life.
I thought wizards were intelligent, not merely aloof.
>You still have a long way to even be called apprentice
I honestly don't care about your views of me but I do want to refute your bullshit rhetoric picked up by elitist on wizardchan who probably only pretend to be 30.
Also hate is an emotion yes, which is arguably present in most creatures as a base survival mechanism.
I had two lizard while I was young and my sister got one to put in my cage without telling me - it tore one of my lizards tails off, and then later mine beheaded hers somehow, if this was not hate - what else would inspire such an act instinctively.
Your bait has been effective.

  No. 507

>I've been asked to have sex multiple times

How come a wannabe "wizard" gets asked to have sex multiple time?

By definition you should have an avoidance personality with no will to socialize with anyone so in first place nobody should have the guts and enough confidence to come to you saying that multiple times.

>He may be retarded then, to not realize or acknowledge what has been seen by him throughout his life.

By that I meant that females shouldn't be even among your thoughts unless someone else brings them up.

  No. 508

We'll in my early teen years I got along with a few guys mostly online, my stepmother and sisters are normal as fuck so a few woman would wonder into my room and watch me play counterstrike or listen to music - since I was basically brainwashed to be kind to everyone I didn't ask them to leave but would barely listen to them while playing - one just asked me flat out after 5 minutes and another laid her bra pad right Infront of me and laid in my bed while I played. I'd be happy with the attention at least If they weren't the town bike.
I am still kind to others I just don't develop bonds, and prefer long periods of solitude.
Females influence a lot and should be amongst your thoughts if your thinking about reality - but sexually I'd understand.

  No. 509

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>one just asked me flat out after 5 minutes and another laid her bra pad right Infront of me and laid in my bed while I played

hello Rex

  No. 510

Whats a rex?

  No. 511

  No. 513

I'm not chad for sure, I'm chubby and pretty worthless except for menial task. The woman around here are just really loose and wanted to see if they could extract money from me that I don't have - too them it was like treating me like a puppy they might want to pet for awhile.
I do like the Rex term but chad lays, which I have and will not.

  No. 1741

lizzies r kewler

  No. 3142

probably the best definition after all these years

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