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  No. 55

so what is this place just supposed to be a backup emergency wizardchan or do we actually talk about things here

  No. 56

At the moment it is a slow imageboard but over the year hopefully will gain attention. You can discuss wiz stuff if you'd like.

  No. 57

Just don't expect a immediate response.

  No. 58

A place to /b/ chill now and then

  No. 59

I know it's probably just wishful thinking but I honestly hope this board gets bigger than wizchad.

  No. 62

our own /b/oard

  No. 63

I guess it'll just be a bunker until posting picks up. A nice place to check in when the threads on Wiz are all shit on a given day.

  No. 165

lizardchan was a meme from 2013. What the heck, how old is this imageboard, and why haven't I searched this up earlier?

  No. 166

You've been missing out then. It was actually made earlier this year.

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