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File: 1512423731225.png (618.09 KB,800x450,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sure some of you have heard of this, so what are your thoughts on the repeal of Net Neutrality? Personally, I don't think it will last very long considering the internet is so vital nowadays.

  No. 559

stefan explains how i feel about net neutrality better than i could. very informative stuff either way although it is very long and a bit old. But I don't think imageboards are anything to be worried about regarding NN either way because we are so obscure

  No. 568

File: 1512620044019.jpg (1.07 MB ,1826x1333 , poo in loo.jpg )

This guy has one punchable face.

  No. 569

File: 1512667709493.jpg (40.64 KB ,475x356 , mrpoo.jpg )

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