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  No. 589

So which one are you /liz/?

  No. 591

The sloth but I have good sleep patterns, I like ants in small amounts they are cute.

  No. 595

I’m a bit of elephant man mixed with super autist.

  No. 596

The way the sloth looks like is too funny because it reminds me of my NEET cousin.

  No. 599

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mix of all six top row

  No. 606

I have at least 1 trait of all 6 as well, That's a perfect gif, The Americans are a beautiful race.
Super autist looks badass
Hows he act?
I look like the cerebrotonic w/o glasses but a little chubbier and less well groomed.

  No. 607

A mix of The Sloth and The Wageslave.

  No. 608

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>The Americans are a beautiful race.

The beauty of all the races of mankind blended together with a steady diet of McDonald's.

  No. 609

Le 56 percent

  No. 610

Sloth masterrace

  No. 612

The Lizard of course

someone edit it in, please

  No. 613

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This is the Ideal human body, you may not like it, but this is what the peak of evolution looks like.
Is biased from my own observations

  No. 614

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Forgot to make an edit I wanted too

  No. 615

  No. 616

Shouldn't it be in the robot section and not the normie section?

  No. 617

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pic relate
It's supposed to be its own section, took a million hours in gimp didn't wanna mess with resolution.

  No. 618

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We're in our own category. We're far more advanced than regular robots.

  No. 619

Yea didn't realize it until i zoomed in on the pic

  No. 644

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Truliz doesn't feel disdain for anyone, though.
Truliz just lets the world be while watching from the greatest possible distance.

  No. 645

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Wrong. Truelizards watch with disdain from a distance. A lizard can't observe normalfags doing what they do without feeling disdain, it's impossible.

  No. 646

I see no point in wasting energy on such a useless emotion. I see no point in antagonising anyone who lets me live my life. I see no point in not letting others live theirs.

  No. 647

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Lizards are solitary so there is little actual antagonism. You don't have to constantly feel disdain to understand why it's felt against someone.
People should live their lives for sure, that being said the masses often are far more evil and worthy of contempt than lizards.
Breeding: Replicating like a plague, but worse since people feel pain.
Social hazing: Excluding the underdog whilst reaping the benefits & encouraging the cycle.
Cheating/using others: Disregarding others sentience for personal gains.

I made the list in like 5 minutes though so maybe it should be "avoiding the masses" for greater appeal.

  No. 651

Breeding is not a moral or immoral act. People rarely, if ever, choose to fuck based on rational deliberation. They just do it because they're programmed to.
I'm not wired like that, but I can't fault them.

Hazing, depending on what you're referring to specifically, might have a purpose. Or it might be youthful folly. Either way, I haven't seen much of it myself so I can't judge.

Using others is what individuals do. Certainly not all of society.
The problem is that these individuals inevitably rise to the top, and that is society's fault to a certain degree.

  No. 652

>Breeding is not a moral or immoral act.
This is the only point I'll disagree with, not to push my morals onto you since we're in the same boat - but antinatalism has some profound truth to it in my eyes.
You're obviously intelligent, But if they do it since they are programmed it makes it no difference if it's morally wrong.

  No. 654

No one said anything about antagonizing. You just need to look at the world around you, realize you're surrounded by filth and decay and then try to avoid it from getting on you as much as possible.

  No. 656

But there's also so much beauty in the world.
Sure, people are messy, awkward and selfish, but everyone is. Lizard or not.

  No. 657

sounds like a shrink gave you some damn good happy pills

  No. 658

Actually, my shrink is just that good. No pills needed.

  No. 659

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Beauty is perceived when an absence of it makes you seek it out and cherish it imo. Anyway if you're happy I'm glad for you truly, although that doesn't negate the worlds inherent injustice.
Damn my shrinks just prescribe me meds and say "man up bro" or stare blankly away from me while i'm describing my desire for worthwhile purpose.

  No. 683

A mix of Cerebrotronic and The Mouse.

  No. 684

30% cerebrotonic, mouse, and sloth. 10% super autist.

  No. 756

Cross between the cerebrotonic and the super autist.

  No. 773

We are all the histrionic

  No. 775

Possibly, almost everyone is histrionic in some ways.
tripfags a cancer though.

  No. 844

Combination of the first four, they are all too similar in my opinion.
When I think about it the few people in life I have been friends with were all like the super autist. I had a habit of only talking to people with obvious mental issues in school, probably because I thought I did not have to restrain myself with what I could and could not say to them like I did with normalfags because they were "insane" anyway.

  No. 906

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  No. 910

mostly the mouse, but also a mix of all 6, although I don't have a job and compared to my family, I am the dumb one.

traits here that fit me mostly are
>gives off "crazy vibes" (I am schizophrenic)
>developed a great sense of humor, but people laugh at me and not with me
>failed to develop social skills
>laves anonymity for it's blindness
>Has given up on the external world, evidence for his surroundings
>"ants in the house? I'll get used to them"
>supported by very loving, very worried family
>either sleeps 2 hours or 20 hours
>cant cook
>loneliness has crippled to point of insanity, has imaginary friends
pretty much everything on the mouse
and pretty much everything on the cerebrotonic
>everything feels monotonous and repetitive
>worries about (parents) debt/mortgage/etc.
>always stressed, tired
>drinks a lot of coffee (decaf or it fucks me up, which really destroys the point of coffee but oh well)

and posting this makes me comparable with the histrionic

  No. 911

This makes me think that it's near impossible to not share at least one characteristic with all of them, because there all the extremes of a trope.
Working to survive, delaying death.
Intellectual pursuits to please their own ego.
Fear of the peers around them
Escapist pursuits in the vain of unfulfilled dreams and ideals.
>Elephant man
This ones more of a birth dependent one, but I'd say fear of not looking acceptable, for others or self.
>Super Autist
Escaping a complicated and unfit society for individual pursuits no matter how "useful"
The fear of being isolated showing in his personality consisting of "cool" beliefs.
>Le frog meme
Refuses to take anything seriously unknowingly because it'd probably make him snap.
Essentially a pillar of proof that no matter how hard you try sometimes you just can't be a successful normalfag.
The need for social validation, inherent in us all but to largely differing degrees.
>The wannabe

I'm closest to the sloth for sure.

  No. 918

I'm a combination of the elephant man appearance wise, as I've got severe alopecia to the extent of having a few tufts of hair on my head, along with my 6'3 gangly frame, and the super autist in terms of how I lead my life.

  No. 919

I'm the bottom right.

No, not the wannabe. The white space next to it.

  No. 1710

Finally a personality I can relate with. I think I check off for everything for Reptilian.

  No. 1711

Stop necrobumping ffs and create a new thread if you want

  No. 1779

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I think that at this point I may develop into a Super Autist, I already have the violent attacks at people who never asked for it but in my deluded vision they did. Now the only thing lacking is being a super autist over something, which I sadly find lacking

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