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  No. 620 [View All]

So how has everyone's weekend been fellow lizards?
53 postsand26 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 717

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Thanks for the advice! I will be cautious but curious
I'm too white to go to jail I'd just rush the cop hoping he'd shoot me
Sound's good! I'm a movie nooby but have liked
Train to Busan, Moon, The Witch, and The Descent.
Descent black pilled me so hard and I just rooted for the enemy the whole time

  No. 718

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I've recently watched pics related.

I also Have gotten interested in Mystery Science Theater 3000 which I'm sure needs no introduction.

  No. 719

The Descent looks pretty damn good! Thanks for the recommendation.

  No. 720

Seen all three of those films many years ago. Taxi Driver is the best imo, followed by Falling Down.

>Mystery Science Theater 3000

I hope you know a lot of 70s, 80s and 90s pop culture references. Manos, High School Big Shot and Overdrawn at the Memory Bank are some of my favorite episodes.

  No. 721

good tastes

  No. 722

>(you) will never be ryan gosling from the movie drive
Falling down was interesting good taste, haven't watched the others.
No problem reminds me of the forest with stacies instead of dads

  No. 723

Fucking loved Falling Down. Hated Drive.

  No. 724

I liked all three movies.

  No. 725

>Hated Drive.

I'm assuming because it had a romantic story to it. That doesn't bother me too much anymore honestly.

  No. 726

Do you guys want me start a movie thread?

  No. 727

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go for it

  No. 736

No I thought it was boring as shit. Real human bean.

I like a lot of movies with romantic stories, I even like a few rom coms.

  No. 737

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>I even like a few rom coms

  No. 738

Maybe he likes the ideal of them, I usually feel cucked watching them like they fucked my free time right infront of my eyes. I imagine there are some good ones but modern ones seem like cash grabs mostly.

  No. 739

Good thing you're not into cuck shit.
I just watched Good Will Hunting, Snatch, and Adaptation.

  No. 740

Those don't seem too bad, I read about the jewish jewelers in snatch and that'd make me want to watch it alone.
Seems like there are a lot of rom coms where stacy plays the bitch and chad thunder cock has to romance her with his sweet humor and massive schlong.

  No. 742

>Seems like there are a lot of rom coms where stacy plays the bitch and chad thunder cock has to romance her with his sweet humor and massive schlong.

This is every rom com. Watching some Chad get shit tested for an hour and a half isn't my idea of a good time.

  No. 743

>he doesn't like watching chad get cucked by the pussy jew
good post though anon made me chuckle irl

  No. 744

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Can anyone recommend me some cute slice of life anime to watch? I'm trying to get over some serious anxiety and shows like pic related help me cope.

  No. 745

I probably should have made this it's own thread. Well, whatever you recommend me, I will be watching it this weekend so I guess this fits.

  No. 746

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Nichijou is my favorite but everyone knows of that. I only watched a few episodes but Girls last tour seemed decent imo.

  No. 747

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Already finished Girls Last Tour and it has become one of my favorite anime series of all time. I'll have to check out Nichjou since you say it's good; I've seen a lot of people make fun of it but as we all know, normals don't understand why shit like this is so close to our hearts.

  No. 748

I don't know, man. I thought MD Geist was watchable. He's kind of a warlock.

  No. 749

The show makes fun of itself as well so it's all in good spirits, some of the jokes carry over dryly after the translation but over all I liked the animation and imagination of the show a lot.
Never heard of this but It looks interesting, thanks for pointing me in it's direction.

  No. 750

You're not actually supposed to watch it if you value your time; I don't because I'm a fucking autist and am made to feel bad about it when reading posts about productive people. It's two OVAs from the 80s when money flowed freely so directors got a ton of artistic freedom to create terrible things. It's a senseless action fest that would appeal to a 13 year old but is somehow so bad it's almost good in a way. Anime fans love to hate on it, and apparently it's an /m/ meme.

  No. 751

Rom-com-liking faggot here. There's just a couple or so I liked. The only one that sticks out is "You've Got Mail." I actually really liked that one for some reason. Maybe because internets.

I don't watch modern rom coms.

  No. 752

When has Tom Hanks ever been in a bad movie?

  No. 753

>valuing your time

If you care so much about that just stop going on the internet. Today I spent nearly four hours playing Doom on nightmare mode (the original not the 2016 remake). I know I pretty much wasted my time but I had a blast so fuck it.

  No. 754

You just made it sound more interesting to me tbh
>I don't watch modern rom coms.
This means you're not too far gone
Nu-doom looks fun but I haven't wanted to buy it for 20$ - I literally spent 7 hours last night modding skyrim and I don't regret a second of it, is finally playable.

  No. 755

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  No. 1343

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I have been having terrible heartburn as a result of my eating addiction so I have started buying fresh produce as opposed to junk food. Honestly, I enjoy it better than junk food because it's more filling, has more of a taste, and you don't feel like complete crap afterwards. Some of my favorites are broccoli, corn the corn is canned though and potatoes.
I'm actually thinking about starting a garden as well so I can save on costs and just grow my own food.

  No. 1344

I've started doing that too, tard binged yesterday but back on track.

  No. 1345

What are some of your favorites?

  No. 1346

I like a ton of stuff I found out, can even still over eat with just veggies though.
I like Potatoes, Carrots, Apples, Corn, strawberries, peaches, oranges.
If you like meats I buy some jarred yellow peppers, green peppers and onion, get some whole wheat floppy taco shells, and you can buy whole near pound chicken/turkey sandwich meat that's 1100~ cals a box.
If you're dieting I've been abusing coffee, 0 cal jello, fizzy waters, and some peppers.
Have lost 10 pounds so far in 2.5 weeks.

  No. 1347

>If you're dieting I've been abusing coffee, 0 cal jello, fizzy waters, and some peppers.
>Have lost 10 pounds so far in 2.5 weeks.
Holy shit nice! I'm going to have to buy some of that at my next trip to the supermarket.
I should also mention that my grocery bill has gone down a bit now that I don't buy crap anymore. Have you experienced the same thing as well?

  No. 1349

I certainly would have, but meats are still really expensive and I eat a bit more in place of cheap trash.
If I didn't buy fish and chicken though yea i'd be saving probably 100$ a month at least.

  No. 1379

Alright, so /fit/ has been raiding quite a few volcel boards as of recent and I'm beginning to fall for the exercise meme. I will be doing pushups, suicides, and lifting whenever I can.
I am not doing this to get a girlfriend or to raise social status although I do want normalfags to fear me, I am merely doing this because people were telling me to channel my angst and frustration into exercise instead of stewing over it and so far it is working.
Not sure if mentioning this violates the rules or something, but this is something I wanted to share.
(embed related. It's a good workout song)

  No. 1380

I was wanting to do this aswell but I have a real hunger problem.
Nothing wrong with taking care of yourself hell I've been wanting to get a punching bag just to relieve angst.
Good luck man the key is consistency.

  No. 1404

Not really a weekend post, but a chrustmasy one. I got caught with a liver bug around Christmas time which helped me become neet this semester, so that's nice. Although i have to limit my meals to veggies

  No. 1435

Went out of town for the week and had a nice time.

  No. 1629

I went to a bar recently with some family. I'm usually hesitant about going out to public places but my cousins were there so I was calm. I ordered non alcoholic drinks and only talked to my cousins, and really enjoyed myself.
So my question is, does this make me a normalfag? In case anyone is wondering, my cousins are NORPs that simply live a healthy life and are going to college to get a degree. They are in no way normalfags and we didn't bring anyone home to fuck or what have you. Oh and they also ordered non alcoholic drinks as well. So am I still a lizard to you guys?

  No. 1630

I think you're fine. You had a good time with your family, nothing wrong with that. If you were able to be open with strangers and fuck some bimbo then you'd be a normalfag, but what you said here sounds nice. I wish I had family like that.

  No. 1631

>not only relaxing after a few stiff drinks

I don't know if this makes you a normalfag but it probably makes you more socially competent than 90% of the people who post here.

>they also ordered non alcoholic drinks

Is your family Mormons or something? Why not drink sody pops at the local malt shop or something, why even go to a bar?

  No. 1633

Have started playing games more and it's nice to not be thinking myself into a miserable hole constantly at least.
I'd like for my family to be as close as that so not really in my eyes, I think you're generally considered a lizard if you're a virgin and don't shit on others for being more socially incompetent or outcasted than you. I'm not horrible at social things, I've just never had someone who actually wanted to be my friend without getting something else from me.

  No. 1654

I'm working on getting my motorcycle fixed, anyone know if there are any good ps2 rom stashes anywhere? I chose the worst time to start downloading.

  No. 1656

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Woah, watch out! We got a cool guy over here.

  No. 1670

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Also I found a good iso site https://vimm.net/vault/PS2
me in the pic

  No. 1684

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Played TERA whole weekend

  No. 1686

Never hit max level on an MMO sadly, Is TERA solo friendly?

  No. 1693

In early lvls,yes. Later You'll need to use matchmaking for dungeons.
Ppl here are nice and helpful (server Mystel).
There is not much talking in dung it's hardly ever more than
"Hi. r? r. ty. bb."

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