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Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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File: 1562595351064.jpg (81.12 KB ,750x563 , 5babdf491f933e1047239d92-7….jpg )

  No. 3982 [View All]

Hello fellow lizzies. Today I ate a Philly cheesesteak. What did you eat?
78 postsand16 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 5166

I'm about to rise up and get some premium dogs if nothing stops me.
May go a little loony and light up the grill.

  No. 5167

>premium dogs

And will they be served to you on a gold and diamond encrusted plate your Majesty?

  No. 5168

File: apjeVCMZzqFdGAf3WSwcyX60541RKk.jpg (164.77 KB ,529x600 , 0bd8566e5e958d2b8000769810….jpg )

Yes and Id also like a piggyback ride please

  No. 5171

*kicks grill over, throwing premium hot dogs on to the dirt*

  No. 5172

File: skI9Nw6DQUTtiPrgVuX0m7Fxlav5p1.jpg (500.18 KB ,3024x2502 , 91f22355fbaaee419bd462d66c….jpg )

thats coming out of your paycheck
Now get to the kitche and make me a sammich!

  No. 5173

no they were just served on a bun but they were juicy,
had some swiss cheese on those bad boys.
begone hotdog having impersonator

  No. 5174

File: 03TElUP1Oxi6qSdkGW9AeaXDY2jcfN.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.54 KB ,728x726 , 9eeebbf93169493ad55d176e8….jpeg )

shit I thought my disguise was spot on…

  No. 5176

When two men talk about hotdogs, out of respect they never post an image. This is so their imaginations never distracted by anything but simulating the first bite of a plump juicy dog.
Classic mistake, but you've stuck out like a sore thumb and quite frankly you've shown your inexperience quite irreverently.

  No. 5177

Subway sandwiches suck, you can't even taste what's inside of it.

  No. 5178

here's your 3$ piece of bread
wait you wanted a sandwich?
that'll be 8.97$ please.
do you want a cookie with that

  No. 5179

I'd take that deal only if the cookie costs ten dollars at least.

  No. 5182

Now that you mention it that may have been why i preferred meatball subs
it's not 2030 yet.

  No. 5189

Sometimes it can be ok, but it requires a ridicules amount of trial and error to find a sub combination you like.

  No. 5199

What other sources of protein are there besides
>protein powder
Don't say cum or bugs, especially bugs. I get a fit when I remember them

  No. 5201

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>he doesnt eat bugs
>he wouldnt eat these succulent and juicy morsels
warmblood and gay detected

  No. 5202

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>wanting to eat the bugs instead of letting them settle in your room and accepting them as your companions
>no centipedes
>no spiders
fuck off pleb

  No. 5203

Don't those new grown meats contain protein? would they also trigger the same response as real meat?
It's expensive at the moment but it's the only alternative i can think of - nuts too.

  No. 5204

File: WKxOz3bQX9VHTty0cDJPIr1iRf7NEY.jpg (73.87 KB ,900x900 , 1575512437043.jpg )

Have you ever lifted a dead animal only for all the festering ants to crawl all over your hand stinging like needles? Or wake up at night to see your house feasting with roaches?
I never had LSD but I read that some have this experience where their bodies are infested with bugs. It doesn't sound that different to my livelihood

  No. 5205

I should enable JScript

  No. 5209

What are the best kettle cooked chips that exist? I just had some cape cod ones and they were good, but there has to be a top dog.
We're pretty much made up of microscopic bugs / germs.
We'd not survive without them just like real bugs.
Especially in the future when we have to eat them.
I never visualized bugs crawling on me, but I have had dreams where I wake up in a room with spiders on every surface, or rarely i'll come across something rotten wielding 1000's of maggots.
It's strange thinking about how one day i'll be food for the things too and if my food was not eaten in time it'd rot and fester in such a grotesque way I'd be physically repulsed by a visual representation of my future disintegration by the very things that keep me alive as long as I consume them in a timely manner.

  No. 5229

File: qbQCLjaSExKypoIz48WYdmi1JDk5Uf.jpg (74.24 KB ,800x800 , chips.JPG )

>best kettle cooked chips

I'm not much of a chip guy but I can sit down and eat an entire bag of these for a meal.

  No. 5299

Just finished off a bowl of canned beans. Felt a little crazy tonight, so I added two pieces of buttered toast to go along with it. Washed it all down with an ice cold glass of water.

  No. 5300

I never eat breakfast because I feel sick after. I go to job before lunch time. when I come back it's after 23 and cant go kitchen lol so my diet is like one apple or banana and 7up.
gotta get used to eat breakfast or find time to buy and cook shit

  No. 5301

File: tYBsDyLbgPQZ9KweMU3q1du5C0c467.png (35.34 KB ,129x228 , Alice.png )

>drinking the soda jew
please dont do this.
soda is one of the shittiest things you can put in your body.

  No. 5372

unironically this

i lost so much weight just from ditching soda. I still ate fast food on the reg, don't exercise, etc. but just not drinking the carboninated jew will save you (and ur wallet!)

nowadays i just drink bottled water, because it's cheap and i can buy like a pack of them. don't confuse hunger for thirst, also a big mistake i made thinking i needed to eat a whole meal when i was just slightly thirsty

  No. 5382

>ur wallet

not saying you should drink the stuff but soda is the next cheapest thing to tap water

  No. 5387

soda is an essential addition to FatLiz's permabulk routine, i've been scouted by sumo coaches more times this month alone after drinking 3 two liters of mountain lightning daily than in my entire life.
Taste the lightning, climb the Everest.

  No. 5396

gotta make that NEETbux last desu

  No. 5407

but I always see welfare people stocking up on no name soda at the grocery store

  No. 5571

pigged out on half a chocolate cream pie. now my tummy hurts

  No. 5579

>chocolate cream pie
Woah I thought only my family knew what they were. You're the only non-family member I've ever met that knows what it is. Or are you a member of my family lizzie?

  No. 5584

>knew what they were

They're sold at Walmart. I'm sure more than a few people know what chocolate cream pies are.

>member of my family

Nope, but I'm of the same species as you, fellow reptilian.

  No. 5696

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mother made vegatarian pâté with red lentils,garlic,onion,egg,celery and very well matched spices just for me
I don't remember the last time when I had something so tasty in my mouth.
Yummy, looks like in pic but more yellow

It's gluten free so I won't scratch myself to blood.

  No. 5697

Where is the brotein :DDDDDDDDDDDD

  No. 5698

File: KXIsLeHcbNojy76Br2fpwUxg3CWEPM.jpg (339.73 KB ,1100x786 , 19af47e63fb0c71630ec2a3917….jpg )

>It's gluten free so I won't scratch myself to blood
I only eat kosher cuisine and drink the blood of goyim.

  No. 5733


  No. 5736

Wow cool, a genuine rabbi posting here on lizchan!

  No. 5742

Ate my first breakfast in few months.
4 eggs, 2 double sandwiches with brown bread one spinach, tomato.
Second mayonaise, pickle, salami. 5 chinese rolls with veggies.
4 kfc's pancakes with caramel.
All this in less than hour.
I look pregnant, my head hurts.
Tryin to get thicc, being skeleton is overrated

  No. 5749

>kfc's pancakes

Never knew this was a thing. How do they compare with other fast food places pancakes?

  No. 5754

Every breakfast is the same for me.

Oatmeal that I don't measure with water, microwaved until it's done, peanut butter, not measured, but less than a tablespoon most days (not today), and fruit. The fruit is usually bananas because they're cheap, and whatever else is on sale. Grapes were 99 cents a pound, so I got those. Not a bad price for grapes, but still kinda expensive. It beats going to another store that's 15 minutes away versus 5 minutes. I want to add flax seeds to my oatmeal as well, but not compromise health and taste. I'll figure something out.

I should learn to preserve grapes and other fruits to make due with more fruit.

My favorite fruit, by the way, are dates. I love dates so much.

  No. 5757

Well I never ate fastfood until I started working here so dunno.
They were yummy more like sweets than pancakes. Prized well.
It's from morning offer that's probably why U haven't seen them

  No. 5761

>morning offer

KFC doesn't even have breakfasts where I live. Which is a shame because I like fast food breakfasts, I hardly ever buy milk and eggs so whenever I want to get a real breakfast I'll go to them. As far as pancakes go my rankings are

A&W > mcdonald's > burger king

  No. 5792

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Since the beginning of the coronavirus I've been having to eat a lot of these in order to feed my chinks addiction. They're stupidly easy to cook and with some hot sauce don't taste half bad. I might have to buy some frozen egg rolls to go with them.

  No. 5835

Mmm first time eating dr oetker pizza. At least it tastes better than it looks.
Few hours later.
Thought that one pizza won't hurt since I'm taking pills to counter the effect.
Every move makes it worse.
Lizzies, gluten is hell of a drug

  No. 5836

dr oetker's are like the lightest pizzas out there, I don't even really find one of them very filling. I feel for you, I'd starve to death if I couldn't eat frozen pizzas.

  No. 5840

File: mI7yhtXofznvAU2xbwYDMpNKV4Zi5R.png (501.59 KB ,630x630 , DQ_Honey_BBQ_Glazed_Chicke….png )

Pretty lame meal, I'd be mad if I didn't pay for it with a coupon. The chicken had way too much batter and the ranch surprisingly didn't go well with it.

  No. 6423

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What's everyone's favourite Campbell's Chunky soup? Mine are the pot pie and the roadhouse chili. I had the chili a little while ago, I used some wraps and made some burritos with it. They were delicious.

  No. 6425

Parents have a lot of canned food lying about but unfortunately not those.

  No. 6427

That's lame. I eat a lot of canned food and chunky soups are usually the best tasting ones.

  No. 6448

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>too lazy to get up and make something to eat

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