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  No. 1120 [Reply]

Pretty based poos. And the god that they worship at this temple seems like he's our guy.

>According to the temple's mythology, Lord Ayyappa is an avowed bachelor who has taken an oath of celibacy. Lord Ayappa eventually took a vow to answer the prayers of every devotee who came to him, and shunned all worldly desires including contact with women, which is why women are not permitted inside his temple.

  No. 1728

Very wizardly

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  No. 451 [Reply]

Anyone here work I.T?
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  No. 822

Overall it was easy for me since i grew up with computers and knew how to troubleshoot shit. If you're new to computers you might have some difficulty but it isn't that difficult.

  No. 824

the only thing i'm having trouble with is memorizing hardware. everything else comes naturally really, but it is neat to learn this stuff in (more than likely) a little more detail than i need

  No. 825

What i did was print anything i think i needed to remember and stapled it to my bedroom wall to memorize. Although some of it is useless info i had to remember things such as RAM pin numbers which is dumb because no one in IT will ever ask you that question.

  No. 826

>RAM pin numbers
that's exactly what I mean. it feels like I'm in grade school again sometimes

  No. 1727

Looks comfy

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  No. 388 [Reply]

>mfw its already been 2months since this chan was created
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  No. 414

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The only thing I party with is my dick

  No. 415

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i only come here since 2 weeks

  No. 416

plz speak engrish

  No. 1712

Ever wonder if that kid realises he's laughed at on the internet?

  No. 1720

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>he's not laughed at on the internet

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  No. 572 [Reply]

Does anybody else just like to be alone rather than be in a group. I hate it when dumb normalfags tell people to work in groups.
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  No. 579

I've been thinking about it, I'll wait a good year though and research so I can afford and learn to take care of them.
I think It would help my brain after constant isolation and lizards seem like scaly nocturnal individualistic doggos.
Post pictures if you do anon, I will for sure.

  No. 581

The downside to having a lizard is that most lizards eat live bugs while you can just feed a dog table scraps. I think having to periodically go out and buy crickets from a pet store would get annoying over time.

  No. 593

Yea I heard you can breed your own bugs for them, I'll pass for now though.
I do want a dog but a family member is allergic, I've had a lot through my childhood and they were always my best friends.

  No. 1713

You ever get one?

  No. 1718

No I got a cat instead, though It's still a plan for the future.
someone abandoned a kitten on my property so I took it in.

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  No. 548 [Reply]

Any one want to play some dayz?

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  No. 582

I'll see if i can play later this week, just say when you anons are available.

  No. 583

OP here. I just bought the full game on steam. No need to download crack.

  No. 592

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Having to work on my pc this weekend so I'd only be able to hop on later next week if your still here, god speed anon!

  No. 597

Just tell me whenever you’re ready.

  No. 1714

Anyone still playing this? I'd start playing if there were others

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  No. 1562 [Reply]

-chef,food conservationist,food merchant,courier <- delivers meals to Lizards
-gardener,druid(herbs and shrooms),fruitgatherer
-corridor cleaner,kitchen cleaner
(everyone has to work for our growth but those may retire if the population is big enough and they're able to pay taxes)

-green land with rich soil near the forest,quite far from civilization

*Living space*
-preferably small/tiny rooms to have more space for other Lizards
-cost of room the Great Liz Builder decides otherwise

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  No. 1640

<full of anime
>what you think?

its a waste

  No. 1641

Idk why I wrote it. Most of it is trash

  No. 1642

It's an interesting thought experiment, I've always wanted a lizard colony of sorts, maybe if we had a rich liz he could buy out an apartment building or get some cabins built on farmland.

  No. 1643

what a wizchan commune would look like

  No. 1708

this is a baste post, just letting you know.

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  No. 1658 [Reply]

It's yours. Standard rules apply. How do you use it?

  No. 1662

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Kill the warmies!
Kill the warmies!

  No. 1668

Slay anyone who does not respect the Fatliz.

  No. 1672

I give it to other Lizard if he writes down my name :O

  No. 1687

Take out anyone in power and watch the world collapse

  No. 1703

honestly I think society would probably flourish if we got rid of our current elites

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  No. 357 [Reply]

Hello Liz Anons,

I was hoping we could start a lore thread for the concept of being a lizard. Wizardchan grew out of a Japanese meme, and really spiraled out of control in a Japanese Anime. Yet, this is lizardchan, and the lore is different. We need some new lore, some new imagination, to create a new virgin concept. I think 30 is still a good number, although this is debatable. But why lizards? I know this concept was a meme on wizardchan, but let's help it grow.

I have a few ideas:

1.) Lizards are loners who sunbathe all day
2.) Some lizards can actually give birth without needing to have sex (https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Virgin_lizard_reproduces)
3.)Succubi is too fantasy oriented, connected with wizard. We need a new term, maybe something connected with a lizards natural predator, the snake. Female lizards are called cows for example. Or, maybe we call them a lizardess?

I think you guys get the general idea. f we can agree upon different things, the admin might make them hard and fast rules.
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  No. 1694

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i just like the concept of lizardfolk as its in d20 for exmaple

this board is shit anyway tho

but then again lizardfolk is great as a concept (at least in incursion roguelike)

basically lizchan before it was cool

  No. 1695

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You know what might work for backstory? Say that there were a subset of wizards that had grown tired of the way their fellow wizards had been infiltrated by normiewizzes posing as real wizards, so they departed from wizard-ruled land to live in a cursed jungle land where no degenerate normiewiz dare enter. The curse on this land manipulated their bodies so that they became more reptile-like, growing scales and claws for defense against the occasional normiewiz, and generally growing in their distaste for outsiders, as they stay in the land longer the effect increases (akin to going down the internet virgin rabbit-hole if you will). The curse makes the wizard lose his magic ability (sort of how we leave behind the wizard meme) but he gains physical strength to defend himself from the wizards. We could even incorporate the name of the website into it by saying that the land of the jungle is called "The Jungle of Lizch'n". Also the jungle is sort of like the jungle css.
Anyways the purpose of this is to keep the previous requirements of a wizard or at least wizard apprentice while adding new things that would be specific to lizards. I like the idea that lizards are loners who sunbathe all day, and I like calling females "cows", both of these can fit in with what I've said. I don't know if we need to reproduce though.
I guess it's pretty similar to >>1649 but I didn't see your post until I typed this out so now I feel dumb.

  No. 1696

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here, its from incursion manual (its also in in-game manual and description), its a bit different (better) than other lizardfolk descriptions

pt 1.

The lizardfolk are a dispassionate, patient and focused race with a mindset highly distant from the more humanlike races. Concerned first and foremost with survival – first their own, then that of other species whose presence supports the existance of life overall – the lizardfolk can seem ruthless or callous to mammalian races. Appearing as large, humanoid lizards with opposable thumbs and other biological adaptations to sentience, lizardfolk are strong and hardy warriors, and as such their favor is often sought by kings, warlords and other human rulers. The lizardfolk dislike this – if they seem ruthless to humans, then accordingly the selfishness and wasteful conflict of human politics seems incredibly degenerate and unnatural to the lizardfolk.
Though they are an intelligent race, lizardfolk generally scorn most of the concerns typically associated with civilization. Individual lizardmen have little desire for status, personal power, knowledge or other typical human motivations. Their goals are survival, breeding and the preservation of life (with no particular significance given to *intelligent* life, mind). They have a unique spiritual tradition that involves meditation and lucid dreaming, and their spiritual leaders are far more likely to be shamans or druids then clerics. Indeed, their druidic tradition is older then the human one, and lizardfolk druids don't seem to feel the need to answer to the human druidic hierarchy. Whatever accord was reached between the two groups was formed centuries ago, and its exact nature is highly secret.


  No. 1697

pt 2.


Lizardfolk have no strong psychological or hormonal differences between their genders, nor do they show signs of aging until shortly before they die. They do have a strong seasonal rhythm built into their physiology, however, driving them to fight, mate, migrate or slumber. They almost always act on their instincts (there is no formal written language among the lizardfolk, let alone an educational system) but seem to have an almost mystical intuition – often, lizardfolk all over the world will react in unison to a commonly shared threat, devastating opposition with their coordination without even understanding why they (as individuals) are doing what they are doing.


  No. 1701

Lizards are the result of a magical experiment on a wizard’s pets gone awry.

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  No. 620 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

So how has everyone's weekend been fellow lizards?
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  No. 1656

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Woah, watch out! We got a cool guy over here.

  No. 1670

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Also I found a good iso site https://vimm.net/vault/PS2
me in the pic

  No. 1684

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Played TERA whole weekend

  No. 1686

Never hit max level on an MMO sadly, Is TERA solo friendly?

  No. 1693

In early lvls,yes. Later You'll need to use matchmaking for dungeons.
Ppl here are nice and helpful (server Mystel).
There is not much talking in dung it's hardly ever more than
"Hi. r? r. ty. bb."

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  No. 291 [Reply]

You wake to a low relaxing hum reverberating across the room you reside in. Your hands are shackled by soft electric handcuffs hanging from the center of your room, and you examine it to find a small cot, a wall mounted water dispenser, and a sealed door with no handle. The walls are a shiny metal and the floor is a rough grated rubber.
When you try to recall your memories you fail to do so. As you struggle with the cuffs to pass time a large object must have hit where ever you are kept, and as the lights go out you fall to the ground released from your bondage.
Red lights and a loud siren captivate your attention as your door slides open and you sprint outside.
A long circular hallway with windows peering into a black cosmic abyss shocks you as you realize your on a ship. The other cells besides yours have opened and while most captives resemble humans some are creatures you cannot recognize. To your left you hear screams as red lasers melt the captives heading your way. You sprint to your right and eventually stumble upon a large open room with other survivors jumping through some circular contraptions. In the center their is some sort of sacrificial alter and large see through tubes of flowing blood kept safe under the glass flooring almost as if the ship was alive. You examine the contraptions as other survivors sprint through them and see they are portals. As the screams stop you can hear the boots of your assailants getting eerily closer.
Through the portals you can make out tidbits of information. Which do you choose?

A. Futuristic military room full of armaments
B. A skyscraper rooftop with looming smoke clouds
C. A seemingly stone age period village
D. Stay and attempt to communicate
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  No. 981

  No. 987

will make a response in a few days, maybe I can resurrect it, will stick with the current timeline.

  No. 1659

>will make a response in a few days
>10 months ago
I'm still waiting anon, what happened?

  No. 1669

I died
I also never posted the story I said I would in the writing thread
get wrecked reading nerds

  No. 1681

Shid :DDD

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