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  No. 1660 [Reply]

Post gondolas, OC welcome.

  No. 1663

  No. 1664

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>copying threads straight from 8/r9k/
Then I get to repost my OC from there.

  No. 1665

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  No. 1666

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>flood detected

  No. 1667

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>satan trips
Hell yeah.

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  No. 64 [Reply]

If a wizard loses his mana when he loses his virginity, what does a lizard lose when he loses his virginity?
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  No. 1068


  No. 1085

He sheds his skin?

R.I.P. the skin

  No. 1650

His reptilian form - after losing his virginity, a lizard retreats to a deep burrow, where he emerges again as a human. He is soon chased out by a group of lizards, never to return to the domain of lizards again

  No. 1651

Damn necromancer >:d

  No. 1657

Fugg :DDD

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  No. 892 [Reply]

Is anyone else here a technological primitivist?

I typically like to use older technology whenever possible. For example, I had a smartphone but I found carrying around and using a mini computer/cellphone was way too normie and anxiety inducing. So I switched back to the 2000s era and started using a cheap, dumb phone, a wrist watch and a mp3 player. And I'm much happier for doing so.
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  No. 1619

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>his shits don't scare away potential predators and spirits

  No. 1620

You've never shit in the woods? It's not as bad as you think.

  No. 1621

Not him but shitting outdoors suck.
Crazy flies everywhere and sth can bite Your butt.
Oh and it's S H A T

  No. 1623

They specifically say you should bury your shit in the woods so it doesn't attract woodland critters.

  No. 1626

That's advice for berry pickers, if your shits aren't so toxic you scare off wild-life you need to eat more nuggers, trust me i'm a bear.

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  No. 147 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

What Video games have you been playing?
How do you stay comfy during said activity?
I've been playing Killing Floor & Modded Fallout 4.
KF reminds me of my younger years listening to metal, jcore, nightcore, dubstep and playing for hours.
Fallout is just a time waster but it is fun to loot and hardcore can be good when modified.
I usually listen to wizard tier bloggers, ASMR , or my music playlist to keep me not asleep.
101 postsand40 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1539

Well, the good news is you can turn it off under the settings.

  No. 1540

From my understanding you can't turn it off, you can only disable streetpass game by game. The things stays on until you disable wireless communication.

It seems like such a sketchy feature to me. That if you leave it on you'll unknowingly transfer game data back and forth to random strangers. At least with smartphones your data goes directly to google.

  No. 1578

*drools* I wish I could afford one of these. It's basically these best handheld system you can buy.

  No. 1581

I pre-preordered the Dragonbox Pyra lol.

  No. 1591

I'm envious. The best I can afford with my meager wagies is a RS-97 or a PAP-KIII Plus.

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  No. 1549 [Reply]

Any other lizards into Warhammer 40k? What army (or armies) do you play?
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  No. 1553

Used to play guard back in 4th edition. Specifically 'lasgun and every piece of indirect fire possible' guard. Might sound boring but piling out a half dozen or more templates per turn was pretty fun. Didn't really like 5th and sold my army. Kind of regret it. Nowadays I just work on statting out warbands for 28mm Inquisitor and continually thinking about kitbashing actual minis for them. It's tempting as hell because it's no longer a supported game, and third party kits are completely fair game. Downside is the ungodly amount of papercraft terrain I'd need to play because it's a true-to-lore skirmish game with high lethality. Thought about getting some 3D printed, but between getting the files (Warlayer has an amazing 40k collection) and getting them printed, it's just expensive, and I have other hobbies that I have big purchases on the backburner for, some of which (a non-terrible setup for flight sims) I'm far more likely to actually get around to enjoying too.

  No. 1556

No. I visited Warhammer World though and have some pictures I could post if you guys wanted to see.

  No. 1558

post those bad boys

  No. 1584

what books are those? i recently got the 2013 black library torrent and im reading through the horous heresy. id like to expand the collection to update it

  No. 1588

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I got the 3 volumes of Secrets of Power since I heard they were good starting points, and Psychotrope and 2XS aswell. The games and a read up on the lore got me interested before hand.
What Warhammer books would you recommend to a 40k brainlet?

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  No. 353 [Reply]

Hello Lizards,

I want to make another thread, to help drum up discussion here. Does anybody here like to build and paint model kits of any kind? I'm a big fan of vehicles and mecha anime, and I want to start branching my hobby from 2D to 3D. Many years ago, when I was in high school, I built a German tank from a model kit. I also painted it. It's very enjoyable to see a creation come to life, especially if you aren't good at art/drawing.

Currently I'm thinking about buying (https://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Hobby-Banshee-Unicorn-Gundam/dp/B00IAGUM9A/ref=sr_1_2/135-0624529-0749717?ie=UTF8&qid=1509587422&sr=8-2&keywords=gundam+model+kits&dpID=51VF57rYpeL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch) and building it, as I'm a NEET with a ton of spare time. Anyone else build and paint something similar? I was thinking that I would take pictures of my work, and periodically post it here, for others to enjoy.
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  No. 842

Look to 3D printing, the cheaper alternative with nonetheless durable material. Local libraries tend to have 3D printers these days, and if not there's always companies who accept your design and can print it to deliver.

  No. 843


  No. 845

>Local libraries tend to have 3D printers these days
I don't know where you live. The only place with 3D printers I know of is the local makerspace which charges $50 a month.

  No. 846

Probably one of those Scandinivian countries where they have shittons of tax money to waste on stuff no one uses.

  No. 1559

>I was thinking that I would take pictures of my work and periodically post it here for others to enjoy
Still waiting…

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  No. 1516 [Reply]

Wizchan is down - does anyone know what happened? Was it shut down or is it just maintenance?

  No. 1517

Russian hackers

  No. 1518

Good fucking riddance. Seems like something is up: https://8ch.net/r9k/res/256552.html#307221

  No. 1520

Dreamhost fucked up.
Those robots are pretty retarded. It's a default install of NPFchan, which guess what, was written by and for mlpol specifically. Can't put 2 and 2 together?

  No. 1521

I'm fucking loving it to be honest. I hope after this chaos wizchan will return stronger than ever. Sort of like how the political prisoners were released before the Russian civil war.
Pretty sure the "mods" are actually bots dude.

  No. 1525

Fuck, it looks like it's back. I was hoping to spit on the sites grave.

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  No. 38 [Reply]

depression haunts all my dreams
51 postsand14 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1363

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Bout to lose my shit if I don't rant about what just happened.
Though the situation was the scary part, less so the dreams themselves.

Kinda a normal dream to start out, I was stumbling around my old houses front yard like I was heavily drunk or something. I checked the drive way and nothing but a car I didn't recognize was there, except a dog I didn't know but seemed friendly. I tripped and the dog was in the way, and time slowed to a 1/20th as my face got near his and my vision stopped as he started snarling distortingly and presumably attacking my head. Then I woke up, I was in an expensive waiting room that had kind of a military sports channel playing and it started putting me off. It wasn't centered around political conflicts but was just 24/7 footage of people shooting each other for sport.
My grandfather was in-front of me so I patted his shoulder to ask him where we were but his face looked like it was mauled like mine would have had the dog got me. You could tell he was dead but his body still looked right at me and I remember yelling and everyone in the room at the same time getting out of there seat and sprinting at me. The last thing I remember was I was in a dark concrete room and someone had melted in front of me and I was digging through it for something.
Other than the difficulty waking up.

I woke up and got a glass of water and wrote that down because I've never had or remembered that many consecutive dreams/nightmares, and that was only what I could remember.

  No. 1364

So I slept again and groggily woke back up in my bed, though my computer was gone, the fan was nailed to the ceiling, and trash or clothes were flown about. I noticed someone was in the closet painted black and tried to yell, yet usually when a dream wants you to piss yourself you can't. I grabbed a knife and killed it but it didn't even fight back it just looked at me smirking. I went into the hall and the adjacent doors were locked or barricaded. There was a lady with black hair riding my grandmothers wheelchair around with a happy smile, and ready to stab her I creeped by but she didn't seem to notice me in a purely lit room. My grandmothers bed was crimson and there was a shovel pierced through it as well as her. I looked back at the lady and she stopped and was mouth agape at me like I was the strange one. She started getting up and I sprinted out of the house but as I did every other door of each house opened and my neighbors were sprinting like me but towards me.
I couldn't really run seeing how I was so terrified so I went face down in a ditch covering my head and closed my eyes like when I do when I'm about to die in nightmares. It became ridiculous how many times this was happening where I was aware I was still dreaming and couldn't stop.

For a few I'd walk around and ask people did they know they were in my dream, and they'd either ramble incoherently, stand still and stare at me, or never speak but do things like drink tea, watching for things to stare at etc.
The last one I woke up in an old hotel from a long while ago guessing by the lack of stable power and broken windows, I stepped into the hall and every rooms door was open with light coming from the occasional flickering hall light.

  No. 1365

I said no mentally and checked out my window to see I was on the top floor. I looked back at the door but from bottom to top they were covered in fingers like 14 people were about to poke their heads in and stare at me. I jumped out the window and was met with blackness yet still had to fight to wake up and yelled when I did.

I felt like I never slept though so after getting a drink I turned the light on and tried to at least rest.
Essentially the same happened but the only thing I remember is shattering frozen people with hammers because they were in my childhood house and I was alone and scared.

Over all I'd rate this blog, rouge-like, nightmare labyrinth an 8/10.
It convinced me that at least we're not at the bottom layer of hell and it's nice to have a routine that isn't being horrified all the time.
I had to knock a point off because I thought I literally died from not being able to wake up, and I woke up my grandpa with my sudden ability to make noises depicting terror.

  No. 1377

Still having these dreams within dreams, I was in a pixelated china town, like my brain was struggling to process textures as well as the npcs. I watched two woman repeating superficial dialog, and then drop to the floor like their body physics was failing.
I've noticed my dreams are like prebuilt game campaigns, and if I become aware I'm dreaming it starts sabotaging me and gives up with much consistency.
I was chased out of my pitch black house when I realized I was dreaming and it was the brightest day ever, there were wolves and foxes all over my yard and I had to run past them as they bit at me.
And the roots of the trees started grabbing at me. Things started losing detail and I ran into five people that looked at me and joined them.
They were just dolls or place holders, they would do nothing.
Then I woke up, and accidently killed my cat.
Then I woke up and noticed the wall was decorated differently.
Then I woke up and realized there was a burning shredded goosebumps book in my mouth.

  No. 1378

Then I actually woke up from my cat batting at my face.
I kind of like this though, as having consistent nightmares makes me feel better being awake.
And they're not boring.

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  No. 512 [Reply]

Am I the only one who feels sad when stumbling upon dying forum/imageboard ?
23 postsand6 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 1185

There's posts on desuchan that will be 10 years old next year.

  No. 1261

I wonder if magichan will find their way here

  No. 1262

It seems like a lot of them are sticking around 8chan's tower. They haven't come to terms with the fact that this board is the only true wizchan alternative. They're like a people without a home.

  No. 1263

/tower/ is serving us well for the moment. I think some of us already were posting both here and on magicchan. I hope to work on a new IB at some point but I don't have the coding experience to do so right now and work takes up most of my time so it'll be a long while and by the time I have the ability to create a replacement for magicchan the userbase will have dispersed.

  No. 1265

>I hope to work on a new IB

I wish you all the best if you decide to go ahead with this. I was kind of sad to see magicchan go. A genuine replacement and not just a board on cripplecocks site would be nice.

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  No. 933 [Reply]

>Anime posers (people who claim to like anime to seem cool and different, but have barely even seen an episode)
>People confusing Future Funk and Vaporwave
>Arguing a topic and the other side is afraid to admit he is wrong so he resorts to name calling and shouting over you

What about everyone else?

  No. 934

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When someone corrects my spelling or grammar.

  No. 935

Can't really think of anything but virtue signal posters or everything's a huge argument posters.
I like anime posters, I've only watched a months worth but I like the art style.
The trans posters who use an anime girl in every post though can get sad to see though.

  No. 941


  No. 1192

>>Anime posers

I think you mean "ironic weebs".

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