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  No. 2898 [Reply]

Do you crave things? I crave things. I crave things but their fulfilment does not give me satisfaction. It is rather quite the opposite. More often then not hindsight tells me it wasn't worth it and could have been achieved an easier way or was not even enjoyable to begin with. Be it food, porn, drugs or just sleeping in, you name it. Giving in only alleviates the craving momentarily but in itself yields no pleasure. I have tried total abstinence but it does not help. One enters a manageable state wherein the slight twinge in the spine is resisted one day at a time. I imagine this is how alcoholics feel. It is fine, the desire is minimal. Nevertheless it is constant and if they mount it becomes overwhelming.
What do you do when the ceaseless drive takes hold of you?
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  No. 2904

There is nothing I crave. Well maybe sometimes but rarely.
Like getting some cute furniture or some big plushies to my almost empty room.
Although it always ends on leaving those nice things in the Internet shopping cart since those are unnecessary.
It's nothing more than urge to materialise my hard work, meaning spending earned money so I feel like I'm worth more thanks to material objects.
In reality the "happiness" lasts short and those are just things.

Dang it liz, don't be warm, at least switch to hentai or cartoons. The amount of tags would blow your mind.
Also you can call this art, it's much better than just scripted apes fugging each other

  No. 2906

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>Do you crave things?

Just the basics. Coffee, weed, alcohol, fast food, snacks, porn (cartoon, softcore), video games. I don't spend a lot on my habits, everything that I crave is either free or I can find for very cheap. I get that I'm just chasing after dopamine hits, I'm a very weak person.

  No. 2910

Most things aren't worth it lizzy. It's that temporary high that we all want. It's all so ephemeral that is might as well not be there. I'm saddened that abstinence did not work for you since it might not work for me. I have a few things I need to get rid of including sodas, sweets, and junk food. I don't even buy any of those things. I just eat the stuff my parents buy. I wonder if I stopped I could be less of a burden.

  No. 2911

>I wonder if I stopped I could be less of a burden.

You'd probably be more cranky if you're not getting your soda and sweets. Just remember to drink mouth wash after you eat sugary stuff, because that'll make your parents hate you, having to dish out thousands of dollars for dental work.

  No. 2912

Don't drink the mouthwash liz, spit it out!

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  No. 1881 [Reply]

There will never be another imageboard, let alone another imageboard for virgins, like magicchan. Every other imageboard for virgins devolves into bitching about women, normalfags, and sex.
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  No. 2819

I'm glad to have found the bunker again. I knew of the refuge on 8ch, but it never crossed over to the new site. I've been to magicchan only once regrettably. I had no idea there was a webring and multiple bunkers. Thanks to >>2817 and probably >>2813 I can finally check it out. Thanks!

  No. 2820


Just saw the rules. I probably won't post out of respect for them.

  No. 2822

That's too bad. I only made about 10 or 15 posts on magicchan, but that's enough to give me bunker posting privileges.

  No. 2831


I've never really posted there anyways, so I feel like an outsider. I don't assume there's a posting minimum before being able to post in the bunker. I don't even know the rules. That's how little I knew about the site from the one or two times I was there.

  No. 2853

Anyone have an archive?

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  No. 2740 [Reply]


  No. 2741

If you know you know

  No. 2742

First I think we have to establish what it means to be a lizard.
A wizard is someone obtains powers for resisting the succubus until 30.
A lizard is someone who never cared or was tempted by the succubus to begin with and is totally phlegmatic about it.
(I guess incel vs volcel but I don't want to use that terminology.)

In that sense, they can be either born or made, but it's more likely you'll be made into a lizard if you're born a certain way.

  No. 2743

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>who never cared or was tempted by the succubus
It doesn't sound lizardly, more like asexual.
Imo it's choice

  No. 2744

It's the classic nature versus nature. I think you're definitely born with a predisposition, but the environment shapes you to emerge.

Magicchan didn't have need for magician besides being someone who posted there. I don't really think lizchan does either. I think of lizards as being robots but better.

  No. 2769

I was like this in the womb.

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  No. 105 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

o/ Let's share music we like in this thread.
Just has to be something you like I wont judge,
after all my taste is eccentric itself.
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  No. 2648

tripod is the best aic album imo. heroin must really make someone a better musician

  No. 2649

been appreciating bands like NIN and AIC a lot more recently, been sifting through older bands works recently, thank god for russian torrent sites and their FLAC collections.

  No. 2725

  No. 2726

nice song

  No. 2765

GG Allin - Snakeman's Dance

  No. 2738 [Reply]

I say this small brazilian gacha tuber is our new Queen.
Agree or disagree?

  No. 2739

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We need [-] asap,Ihato heeeelp

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  No. 2325 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

2x the whining and cope, or your money back.
scrolling to whine is a crime edition
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  No. 2733

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Been playing a multiplayer timesink game that keeps me from doing things like going through by backlog and doing other things. Thing is, im too lazy to put in the effort to do those things and instead I repeatedly play a timesink game that leaves me void of any form of satisfaction besides easy and cheap rushes because I cant bother to do more productive things. sorry if this sounds retarded.

  No. 2734

can't even get addicted to a tard game anymore, have a huge backlog but no will or drive to go through it. been wall or image board staring for days.

  No. 2735

there is nothing like that in my area,lurked on many sites and the only night time job is cleaning or heavy work that I can't do due to shitty spine.
t-thanks, now I have 2 weeks to find something although it's gonna be hard since almost everything is around contact with client.
So far I've applied for pc building/maintenance and game tester.
Same but I have no backlog.
Bought cheap 144hz monitor but it's useless since my budget gpu has single link dvi port but it's build like double so I can't go pass 60hz
What U playin?

  No. 2736

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insurgency adn vermintide 2

  No. 3110

I'm feeling sad, and I feel like even if I go outside, I won't stop feeling sad. It's not because of any particular reason right now, but it just is. Also, a bit tired, I guess.

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  No. 728 [Reply] [Last50 Posts]

Post movies you have watched recently and/or favorite movies. I've recently watched and enjoyed pic related which surprised me considering I hate found footage films with a passion.

Also, the idea for this thread came from: https://lizchan.org/liz/res/620.html. So make sure to visit that thread and possibly contribute.
297 postsand105 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view.

  No. 2323

THX 1138 and The Crazies are pretty good movies, i'm to tired to elaborate, 7/10.
I will watch this next, my brain has been spacey the last few days.

  No. 2386

A surprising honest look into the lives of the elite. Narrowly beats Witchfinder General as the best Vincent Price film I've seen thus far.

  No. 2391

Finally watched Enter the Void after seeing it recommended numerous times. The film tried to come across as profound but was just boring and lame, I hated it.

  No. 2661

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Have any of you autists seen this yet? How was it?

  No. 2838


it was good but very predictable. I enjoyed it at least. Don't watch it if you can't tolerate seeing all the cliches.

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  No. 238 [Reply]

Any reptilians still into anime? The last one I watched and enjoyed was Higurashi, I really relate with the character Rena Ryugu and think shes cute in an admirable way.
Let me know what you've been enjoying and talk about why you like certain characters or stories
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  No. 2407

whoops meant ED but the op is not bad as well.

  No. 2434

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Outbreak is pretty good so far.
Killing bites was weirdly entertaining, I hated the last episode though, and I blame the pacing they had to go at.
If a second season gets made it sounds like it'd be even more interesting.

  No. 2475

yea I had heard rumors that theres gonna be a season 2 but if not theres always the manga which is still in my backlog

  No. 2484

Was watching the Blu-Ray rips of Log horizon and this show looks amazing compared to my memory of it.
That'd be cool.
>theres always the manga which is still in my backlog
truly hurts that so many good manga are "still releasing"
I hate reading manga and having to stop to wait for releases and translators.

  No. 2494

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>I hate reading manga and having to stop to wait for releases and translators.
There are dozens of series Ive read midway that are already finished but the translators releases are like 2-3 times per year.
It also fucking sucks when I read said multiple series midway 3+ years ago and I barely remember what happened and the translators got off their ass and im already reading 3 other things atm, really blows.
For one manga I was reading theres like 2 volumes left but hasnt been updated in 5 years so I found the raws online and used google translate to roughly figure out what happened in the end, pretty fun and I got some chuckles at the awful translation.

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  No. 2333 [Reply]

Post yourself in the thread and Ill add it to the card.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
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  No. 2357

That's very nice of you liz,truly best present ever,thanks.
that one got me hard

  No. 2358

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very baste thread! have a very merry christmas, happy holidays, and new years to you all my fellow reptilianons

  No. 2359

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Oh ye thanks to everyone for participating
it was fun making this and was the only
worthwhile thing for me during Christmas.
Enjoy the rest of your holidays and Ill see you
next year.

  No. 2360

wtf get this creep
away from fatliz's harem, he's drooling for christ sake

  No. 2362

he just wants some love too
hes not hurting anyone
and its not like fatliz is gonna run out of harem anytime soon ;^)

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  No. 1213 [Reply]

Both alcoholic and non alcoholic are accepted in this thread. I am currently drinking O Doul's, which I hated when I first tried it but now I can't get enough!
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  No. 1914


wait, what. People drink rum for the flavor? I had no idea, honestly. Mine has a serious strong alcohol flavor, so it's near impossible for me to drink it straight. Maybe with coke, I guess.

  No. 1915

>Maybe with coke

Personally I enjoy rum and coke with captain morgan's spiced rum. It blends nicely with the coke, making the taste of the rum less overwhelming.

  No. 2232

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I'm going to try to finish off a 6 pack of these over the weekend. Also got some tylenol as well for the headaches this kind of beer sometimes gives me.

  No. 2244

Bundaberg Rum and Coke premixed drinks.

  No. 2245

>Bundaberg rum
It feels weird knowing I'm not the only Australian lizard on here.

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